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Hereward Activities

In Hereward, there are also other activities we do preform. We have relations with SEND IASS in Coventry, a support service for those with special needs.

Alongside this, we also realize more unique ways to support students in their free time. We have multiple clubs for different topics such as gaming, extra studying time, anime, coding and others. We know that many of these things market to a niche, and we are willing to explore that niche for their sake.

An emphasis on the gaming specifically, as this can be done for:

  • Fun (casual) purposes.

  • Competitive purposes (eSports), and games with a higher skill ceiling.

  • Understanding coding, and it’s ‘format(s) (+ creation engines such as GameGuru / Unity etc.)’

And more.

To the sides are examples of game creation engines.

Below, is a video on eSports (bulk example being Smash 4), and how it appeals to those with special needs.

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